Sunday, June 22, 2008
Lost my voice...
The brink of disaster is where I find myself
I've lost the number to the hotline so I find myself trying to avoid this hot line
In the meantime I ponder how I climbed up this pole
If I lose my grip and let go then I let go of way too much
So I hold on to this pole
It's the only thing that connects my soul too well, that part I don't quite know
But I do know that there's no letting go
I'll just have to sit up here for a bit and hope
I hope someone will find me
I hope someone will find me
I hope someone will find me
Shoot, does anyone know I'm gone...
I've lost the number to the hotline so I find myself trying to avoid this hot line
In the meantime I ponder how I climbed up this pole
If I lose my grip and let go then I let go of way too much
So I hold on to this pole
It's the only thing that connects my soul too well, that part I don't quite know
But I do know that there's no letting go
I'll just have to sit up here for a bit and hope
I hope someone will find me
I hope someone will find me
I hope someone will find me
Shoot, does anyone know I'm gone...
Pinch me
The feeling of feeling is really a hidden feeling
So some set out to see if they can see if this feeling is real
Ouch, it's real...
So some set out to see if they can see if this feeling is real
Ouch, it's real...
Little Billy
Equipped with only his mind and a limited amount of time
Little Billy set out to take over the world
So the first girl he saw, he took over
And after his conquest he beat his chest and stated
That he believed in evolution
He meant that a little liquor and not enough commonsense
Allowed him to turn from a wonderer
Into a conquerer of worlds
Not meant for his rule...
Little Billy set out to take over the world
So the first girl he saw, he took over
And after his conquest he beat his chest and stated
That he believed in evolution
He meant that a little liquor and not enough commonsense
Allowed him to turn from a wonderer
Into a conquerer of worlds
Not meant for his rule...
Caleb and Stephen (Tell Tale and G.F.T.D. 1)
Today was the start of something special here in our city and the funny thing is only two people really know about it at this point. Well, since this is a blog, I might as well blog about this event right. The quick and dirty is we're on the verge of taking simple poetry from downtown to "All Around" ....
Introducing B.L.P., coming to a town near you!
We'll see how many follow the lights...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Moonlit Dreams

Have you ever sat down to take it all in
The beauty of the night?
It's a different world once the sun ventures in
This is when the stars begin to dance and sing
When Orion announces that he is the king
And all the constellations bow down before him in perfect unison
There is a light and it leads me to the waters edge
At the waters edge I fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness
I do so in remembrance of the sins I've committed and still have yet to commit
I fall to my face because I wish to do away with my soul
In the stillness of the night this light it guides my soul
At the verge of letting go and taking my final leap at life
I sit and I begin to observe the moonlight
Its tranquil beauty its steady beam of light
How does it suddenly warm my soul in the middle of the night
All the steps which I have taken are now lost in the cover of the night
I find myself lost under the cover of the moonlight
Perhaps another traveler will soon appear
A traveler who too has been fascinated and hypnotized by the moonlight
So I sit and I stare, over the river, I can see another person sitting quietly there
I'm drawn to your beauty but even soon you too will leave me
And then I'll be forced to go and retreat from the glare of the sun
Forced to retreat from the glares of everyone who now see me sitting at the waters edge
But for now I close my eyes and allow you to warm my soul...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fresyes For Africa Banquet
Pirated My Ship
So I’ve jumped out of the sky and I’ve fallen into the sea
I’ve lost all need for simple transparency
It’s me and only me
I’ve become a pirate and now I’m setting minds free
I’ve boarded Amistad and I’m takin’ not requesting that you, "Give us, us free"
The world is...
The world is shrinking, the world is stinking, the world is a filtration system for far too much crap
Go ahead sit back and try to relax
It’s easier said than done when you know your time is come and there’s nothing you can do
Except, accept the playin’ of the music as it draws near to you
"Oh when the saints go marchin’ in, Oh Lord I want to be in that number"
You see I’m not truly a pirate, I’ve just pirated my ship and there has been no rape or murder
No type of proposterous disorder
The lack of order is the technique used throughout the world
So who’s to save us now...
Perhaps the intellectuals and scholars
Nah, we’ll kill them first because their brains will only get in the way
Maybe the rich will save us
Who are we kidding, they’ll sell their young to save their sums
Ah but at last the poor, the poor, they shall save us
Remember the poor because they shall inheirit the Kingdom
Innate within our less than ornate make up
We hold on to things which we cannot control
So I ask you to take a stroll down memory lane and remember what brought you here
It’s all so simple isn’t it
The reason you’ve made it this far is because you wonder
Where this might be going
But in the end you too are a pirate on my ship
Demanding that society wil..."Give us, us free"
Choice, either good or bad... You hold the outcome in your hands
I’ve lost all need for simple transparency
It’s me and only me
I’ve become a pirate and now I’m setting minds free
I’ve boarded Amistad and I’m takin’ not requesting that you, "Give us, us free"
The world is...
The world is shrinking, the world is stinking, the world is a filtration system for far too much crap
Go ahead sit back and try to relax
It’s easier said than done when you know your time is come and there’s nothing you can do
Except, accept the playin’ of the music as it draws near to you
"Oh when the saints go marchin’ in, Oh Lord I want to be in that number"
You see I’m not truly a pirate, I’ve just pirated my ship and there has been no rape or murder
No type of proposterous disorder
The lack of order is the technique used throughout the world
So who’s to save us now...
Perhaps the intellectuals and scholars
Nah, we’ll kill them first because their brains will only get in the way
Maybe the rich will save us
Who are we kidding, they’ll sell their young to save their sums
Ah but at last the poor, the poor, they shall save us
Remember the poor because they shall inheirit the Kingdom
Innate within our less than ornate make up
We hold on to things which we cannot control
So I ask you to take a stroll down memory lane and remember what brought you here
It’s all so simple isn’t it
The reason you’ve made it this far is because you wonder
Where this might be going
But in the end you too are a pirate on my ship
Demanding that society wil..."Give us, us free"
Choice, either good or bad... You hold the outcome in your hands
When things don't appear to fit right and the only delight
You find is being held tight by someone you like
Remember that the sun must embrace the moonlight
And the moonlight must embrace the daylight
And the rain the wind
And then just then, you'll begin to see it all works just the same
Because your name isn't called today, doesn't mean it won't be called tomorrow
The way we embrace today has a lot to say with how forever will play out
The shouts the cheers, the minutes which will inevitably turn into years
None of this is viable because your heart has been placed on the altar
Which millions have been placed .. that is of course the alter
Not your heart, because only people are placed on our hearts…
Don't close your doors to what you want because your mind is in your hearts place
What a disgrace that would be
Understand me when I say, "You need to embrace the day."
You know so more than I and so you must try, try, try
I sit and watch it all pass by because I no longer care
I'm broken, I'm tattered, my thoughts are all scattered
To how it used to be to embrace both the good and the bad
I'm young and I've forgotten how to feel
So I steal glimpses of love from those around me….
You find is being held tight by someone you like
Remember that the sun must embrace the moonlight
And the moonlight must embrace the daylight
And the rain the wind
And then just then, you'll begin to see it all works just the same
Because your name isn't called today, doesn't mean it won't be called tomorrow
The way we embrace today has a lot to say with how forever will play out
The shouts the cheers, the minutes which will inevitably turn into years
None of this is viable because your heart has been placed on the altar
Which millions have been placed .. that is of course the alter
Not your heart, because only people are placed on our hearts…
Don't close your doors to what you want because your mind is in your hearts place
What a disgrace that would be
Understand me when I say, "You need to embrace the day."
You know so more than I and so you must try, try, try
I sit and watch it all pass by because I no longer care
I'm broken, I'm tattered, my thoughts are all scattered
To how it used to be to embrace both the good and the bad
I'm young and I've forgotten how to feel
So I steal glimpses of love from those around me….
In Search of Tomorrow....
In search of tomorrow I find today cowering in yesterday's past
Free at last but last of all free
The words and mental exercises which separate me from the rest of this genus
The genus of intellectuals who hang out on street corners asking for another hit
It's never over with when one hits the cold streets and in essence is thrown into the deep
This is when greatness is found
This is when we're noticed, this is when others seem to want to help us the most
Please let's stand together, right now, right here, and let us toast
Let us toast to today cowering in yesterday's past
The sun has cast its shadow on the future
So today I dream in future shadows which will inevitably give way to tomorrow's reality
The true casualties are found, are found lying comatose on the ground
Waiting for someone to revive them
Waiting for someone to breathe the next breath of greatness into their weary minds
So I stand holding my breath, I stand looking, dreaming about how long I have left
Today I dreamed in colors so vivid that God himself hadn't brought names to them yet
So vivid that the blind were able to see and feel the warmth of my dreams
Today a weary sole told me that he too dreamed in Kaleidoscope patterns
He told me that for exercise his brain walked around the rings of Saturn
He told me that he once ruled the world with others like him, like minded men
He told me that today never used to visit yesterday
And that tomorrow was truly married to the future
So it was ok to I dream in future shadows which will inevitably gave way to tomorrow's reality which was in essence is their child
So now I sit and listen for the voices of all of these dreams
But are they all in my mind
Is there a way to unwind all the junk which is bound around ones mind
Intertwined feelings of lust and love
I lust for the chase but I love the mediocrity
There's a sense of hypocrasy which spews out one side of my mouth
It can't come out of both sides right
I'm looking for the light which used to shine so bright
I now see forever standing by a moment who has just opened the door for what if
But what I'm truly seeing are today's tomorrow's wading in yesterday's past
Wondering if forever was just a moment filled with what if's
Forever, something clever that someone came up with who didn't believe in what if's
The world says things like I LOVE YOU FOREVER, I think things like, I hope these words will ring forever
I seek the deaf and the blind in order to drop simple truths inside of their minds
Simple truths delivered through my crooked teeth
But the only relief I seem to find is when I close my eyes and begin to breathe slowly, slowly, slowly
And before I cross over to the other side, I hope to find my tomorrow holding hands with your forever...
Free at last but last of all free
The words and mental exercises which separate me from the rest of this genus
The genus of intellectuals who hang out on street corners asking for another hit
It's never over with when one hits the cold streets and in essence is thrown into the deep
This is when greatness is found
This is when we're noticed, this is when others seem to want to help us the most
Please let's stand together, right now, right here, and let us toast
Let us toast to today cowering in yesterday's past
The sun has cast its shadow on the future
So today I dream in future shadows which will inevitably give way to tomorrow's reality
The true casualties are found, are found lying comatose on the ground
Waiting for someone to revive them
Waiting for someone to breathe the next breath of greatness into their weary minds
So I stand holding my breath, I stand looking, dreaming about how long I have left
Today I dreamed in colors so vivid that God himself hadn't brought names to them yet
So vivid that the blind were able to see and feel the warmth of my dreams
Today a weary sole told me that he too dreamed in Kaleidoscope patterns
He told me that for exercise his brain walked around the rings of Saturn
He told me that he once ruled the world with others like him, like minded men
He told me that today never used to visit yesterday
And that tomorrow was truly married to the future
So it was ok to I dream in future shadows which will inevitably gave way to tomorrow's reality which was in essence is their child
So now I sit and listen for the voices of all of these dreams
But are they all in my mind
Is there a way to unwind all the junk which is bound around ones mind
Intertwined feelings of lust and love
I lust for the chase but I love the mediocrity
There's a sense of hypocrasy which spews out one side of my mouth
It can't come out of both sides right
I'm looking for the light which used to shine so bright
I now see forever standing by a moment who has just opened the door for what if
But what I'm truly seeing are today's tomorrow's wading in yesterday's past
Wondering if forever was just a moment filled with what if's
Forever, something clever that someone came up with who didn't believe in what if's
The world says things like I LOVE YOU FOREVER, I think things like, I hope these words will ring forever
I seek the deaf and the blind in order to drop simple truths inside of their minds
Simple truths delivered through my crooked teeth
But the only relief I seem to find is when I close my eyes and begin to breathe slowly, slowly, slowly
And before I cross over to the other side, I hope to find my tomorrow holding hands with your forever...
Heaven or Hell
I slipped, fell, and violently hit my on a rock
And it appears as if only a few minutes are all that I've got
So my soul floats between heaven and hell
And my would be thoughts are now left to dwell on a cloud next to Heaven and a pit next to hell
I can smell the golden roses from Heaven and the rotten smell of flesh in hell
And I stand frozen as my soul awaits its fate
Its final boarding papers for its final destination
I should have paid more attention during my Evangelation Explosion orientation
I can now see God and I can vaguely hear satan
The end is near this is what I've been awaitin'
My journey through life was filled with lies and sin
And now my soul is floatin' at Heaven's gates prayin' God will send the message to St. Peter to let me in
I hear a noise but I don't see the gates begin to move open, like I was hopin'
And souls can't break into Heaven because the door is not just left open
Well then again maybe it is
I remember when I was younger my parents would sing
Some song about praising the King
All you have to do is get on your knees and ask him in
And this is where your true freedom begins
With this thought I immediately awoke and I began to fight back the tears as I choked
Far from done I rose to my feet and I wondered to myself
How did I get knocked off of my feet
Then I realized all along God doesn't miss he was aiming at my knees
And it appears as if only a few minutes are all that I've got
So my soul floats between heaven and hell
And my would be thoughts are now left to dwell on a cloud next to Heaven and a pit next to hell
I can smell the golden roses from Heaven and the rotten smell of flesh in hell
And I stand frozen as my soul awaits its fate
Its final boarding papers for its final destination
I should have paid more attention during my Evangelation Explosion orientation
I can now see God and I can vaguely hear satan
The end is near this is what I've been awaitin'
My journey through life was filled with lies and sin
And now my soul is floatin' at Heaven's gates prayin' God will send the message to St. Peter to let me in
I hear a noise but I don't see the gates begin to move open, like I was hopin'
And souls can't break into Heaven because the door is not just left open
Well then again maybe it is
I remember when I was younger my parents would sing
Some song about praising the King
All you have to do is get on your knees and ask him in
And this is where your true freedom begins
With this thought I immediately awoke and I began to fight back the tears as I choked
Far from done I rose to my feet and I wondered to myself
How did I get knocked off of my feet
Then I realized all along God doesn't miss he was aiming at my knees
Middle Ground
In the middle of the night I gained my sight
I began to fight you see
I was newly cast
I had to grasp that which before I couldn't see
Out of the cold, my mind, body, and soul were exposed to something I can't quite explain
Acid rain, cleansing my battle stains
I felt no pain as those around me cried
My soul had risen but my body had still yet to die
These are the sounds from middle ground
The sounds of both the laughter and the tears
These are the sounds from middle ground
Even after all these years of fear
These are the sounds that play at night when hearts songs are to heavy to bear
These are the sounds of middle ground after all these years
The beat of the drums began to hum as the thunder began to roll
The good and bad were all so sad when I showed up without my soul
Newly cast I had to grasp for something which I didn't know
These are the sounds of middle ground
For all those who don't know
When one is lost and all seems lost there's always one place to go
Listen carefully to the beat of the drum because the thunder's about to roll
And take you straight to the heart of the middle ground because this is the only place to go....
I began to fight you see
I was newly cast
I had to grasp that which before I couldn't see
Out of the cold, my mind, body, and soul were exposed to something I can't quite explain
Acid rain, cleansing my battle stains
I felt no pain as those around me cried
My soul had risen but my body had still yet to die
These are the sounds from middle ground
The sounds of both the laughter and the tears
These are the sounds from middle ground
Even after all these years of fear
These are the sounds that play at night when hearts songs are to heavy to bear
These are the sounds of middle ground after all these years
The beat of the drums began to hum as the thunder began to roll
The good and bad were all so sad when I showed up without my soul
Newly cast I had to grasp for something which I didn't know
These are the sounds of middle ground
For all those who don't know
When one is lost and all seems lost there's always one place to go
Listen carefully to the beat of the drum because the thunder's about to roll
And take you straight to the heart of the middle ground because this is the only place to go....
Type or Spell
I think I'm a calm person for the most part
I can start up conversations with almost anyone, "Hello"....
I find humor in most things
I've learned not to jump when my phone rings or sings for that matter
I trust very few people
Thus I get screwed less than most people
I wonder about things, which I have no control over
I mean, who really reads this stuff
I stuff all my emotions in a file called EMOTION
The cancel EMOTION's tab is hidden too
I mean what would I do if the tab were ever found by another
I was told that I didn't matter
That my paychecks would never add up and become fatter
My parents taught me how to use a ladder
Because my dreams and wants would always be at the top of the shelf
There are times when I think for myself
No media or friend influences
Just a simple influence, myself
I cannot be rated because even though others try
I simply give them my rating and I tell them to no longer try
I'm second best to the next best thing
When in strong liking my heart begins to sing
I've taken from Handel, Mozart, and Bach and now I'm the King
The secret is, love pulls on one's musical strings
I can't type or spell
My insecurities keep me from telling one and only one simple truth
I can't get loose, I'm stuck
If I were the one driving the truck I'd pull over and get some sleep
Find some relief under the sheets
Isn't it funny how hectic life can get when you're out on the streets
This is so almost complete
The running of feet sounds like the running of eyes
Don't give this one a cry I meant to type try
I can't type
I'm a different type of being
I close my eyes and I start seeing what others don't
Hope; I hope she sees me too, to, two
One, too, to, two,
I'm through.....
I can start up conversations with almost anyone, "Hello"....
I find humor in most things
I've learned not to jump when my phone rings or sings for that matter
I trust very few people
Thus I get screwed less than most people
I wonder about things, which I have no control over
I mean, who really reads this stuff
I stuff all my emotions in a file called EMOTION
The cancel EMOTION's tab is hidden too
I mean what would I do if the tab were ever found by another
I was told that I didn't matter
That my paychecks would never add up and become fatter
My parents taught me how to use a ladder
Because my dreams and wants would always be at the top of the shelf
There are times when I think for myself
No media or friend influences
Just a simple influence, myself
I cannot be rated because even though others try
I simply give them my rating and I tell them to no longer try
I'm second best to the next best thing
When in strong liking my heart begins to sing
I've taken from Handel, Mozart, and Bach and now I'm the King
The secret is, love pulls on one's musical strings
I can't type or spell
My insecurities keep me from telling one and only one simple truth
I can't get loose, I'm stuck
If I were the one driving the truck I'd pull over and get some sleep
Find some relief under the sheets
Isn't it funny how hectic life can get when you're out on the streets
This is so almost complete
The running of feet sounds like the running of eyes
Don't give this one a cry I meant to type try
I can't type
I'm a different type of being
I close my eyes and I start seeing what others don't
Hope; I hope she sees me too, to, two
One, too, to, two,
I'm through.....
I wonder what she sees
As I observe her smile
I wonder what she sees
I wonder if years from now
She'll play in the trees and her dreams will walk on the clouds
I wonder if her spirit will be shy or cry aloud
I barely know her but I feel so proud
I wonder what her future holds
I wonder what worlds she'll mold with her mind and her mind alone
Thank goodness she'll never be alone
She'll have many homes, filled with many faces
The love shown to her will only make her stronger
I wonder what she sees when she smiles
Does God hold her hand on the daily
Or maybe angels play with her thoughts and help to keep her entertained
Perhaps they gently call out her name
I see the glory of God's grace etched across her face
I see the future in her future
I see a child, who soon will grow into an adult
And then wonder what we see...
Late Night
I lost my tempo, I lost my rhyme
I get lost every time I try to keep pace
My face has been erased so many times
I can't seem to draw back how it looked during this present time
So in essence I draw a blank
Someone hit rewind, the tape plays forward as I rewind
Fast forward and then reverse
If it all sounds familiar, it has never been rehearsed
It shouldn't sound familiar because I've never kicked this verse
In church I sat naked to the words left by THE FATHER
Why bother to shape myself in the form of something I'm not
The reward is a place too hot, it smells like Hell
So I think I'll skip it
However temptation draws near and I thirst for sin
So I think I'll sip it slowly, don't want to gulp
The end result is I find myself choking on myself
I lost my tempo and I lost my rhyme
I think that my thoughts are one of a kind
My mind has been erased far too many a time
So my thoughts can never seem to draw the line between reality and fiction
My addiction is my own self-affliction
So I afflict myself with thinking less of myself
No help just harm
Ring the alarm another one is dying, frying
I look to my left and then to my right to see who's lying
Who's kickin' junk in my ear
If you want to talk about me I really don't care
Your noise is falling on deaf ears
This is the year when I finally break loose
I'm loose and you can't even walk a step in my boots
They're loose, just like my fingers as I write, type
There's no sense to hype the newbie
If you knew me, you'd feel me
But you don't, so you can't
Everybody together start to chant
"In the end my mind rest with my soul
For all that don't know, this is only a test
I still got miles to go."
- G.F.T.D. 1
I get lost every time I try to keep pace
My face has been erased so many times
I can't seem to draw back how it looked during this present time
So in essence I draw a blank
Someone hit rewind, the tape plays forward as I rewind
Fast forward and then reverse
If it all sounds familiar, it has never been rehearsed
It shouldn't sound familiar because I've never kicked this verse
In church I sat naked to the words left by THE FATHER
Why bother to shape myself in the form of something I'm not
The reward is a place too hot, it smells like Hell
So I think I'll skip it
However temptation draws near and I thirst for sin
So I think I'll sip it slowly, don't want to gulp
The end result is I find myself choking on myself
I lost my tempo and I lost my rhyme
I think that my thoughts are one of a kind
My mind has been erased far too many a time
So my thoughts can never seem to draw the line between reality and fiction
My addiction is my own self-affliction
So I afflict myself with thinking less of myself
No help just harm
Ring the alarm another one is dying, frying
I look to my left and then to my right to see who's lying
Who's kickin' junk in my ear
If you want to talk about me I really don't care
Your noise is falling on deaf ears
This is the year when I finally break loose
I'm loose and you can't even walk a step in my boots
They're loose, just like my fingers as I write, type
There's no sense to hype the newbie
If you knew me, you'd feel me
But you don't, so you can't
Everybody together start to chant
"In the end my mind rest with my soul
For all that don't know, this is only a test
I still got miles to go."
- G.F.T.D. 1
The words simply fade away
In times of sadness they were easily displayed
The color was grey, the clouds seemingly followed me each and every day
But now I seem to have turned the page
I used to stand at the intersection of happiness and sorrow
All the while wondering about what tomorrow truly holds
The minutes unfold before me, the second hand tick tocks
And its rhythm is starting to bore me
I never had the patience for time
So I threw my time piece away
My body it sways but to a different tune and certainly in a different way
The color is still grey and my thoughts they still stay out at sea
Bury me, out at sea, this is my plea
I'm on bended knee praying that my enemies will find me on bended knee
Take pity on me oh Lord for I have sinned
I stand and I pretend to be something I'm not
Instead of giving all that I've got
I hold on to just enough
My hopes and my dreams
But they're not mine to keep
So I offer them back up to you
What would you do if you could spend a day or two painting in my shoes
In times of sadness they were easily displayed
The color was grey, the clouds seemingly followed me each and every day
But now I seem to have turned the page
I used to stand at the intersection of happiness and sorrow
All the while wondering about what tomorrow truly holds
The minutes unfold before me, the second hand tick tocks
And its rhythm is starting to bore me
I never had the patience for time
So I threw my time piece away
My body it sways but to a different tune and certainly in a different way
The color is still grey and my thoughts they still stay out at sea
Bury me, out at sea, this is my plea
I'm on bended knee praying that my enemies will find me on bended knee
Take pity on me oh Lord for I have sinned
I stand and I pretend to be something I'm not
Instead of giving all that I've got
I hold on to just enough
My hopes and my dreams
But they're not mine to keep
So I offer them back up to you
What would you do if you could spend a day or two painting in my shoes
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It appears as if my mind has been separated but not divided
It's so amazing you should try it
Try to piece together real life and fiction
Independency and sudden addiction
There's the confliction the fork in life
Each time I blink I find myself living a different life
Today I saw the sun for the first time
At least that's what I read on the Sun Dial you see
The problem is you don't see so you keep your mind closed to everything around you
Booo, don't be startled, I'm the one that found you
Now my thoughts they hound you
Surround you, like time chasing the elderly
We're all elderly
Stuck under a spell you see
So how do you spell confused
I don't spell, instead I insert words which come pre-spelled
Like racist, bigots, fundamental zealots, greedy, needy, blind
You know those who can't see me but they feel me
My words are like Braille so if you don't like me, don't mic me
Keep feeling around your darkness you soon will learn to part with
Something greater than yourselves, your insecurities
My pyromaniac tendencies often spark brush fires in the driest of minds
A line was drawn the moment you sat down
You told yourselves either you'd be challenged or you'd be entertained by a clown
It's almost over now the challenge was laughable
I'm neither Bozo or Bono
I'm a 5'7 negro, my mind it soars with eagles, the love of my life is Latino
I try to eat less fast food created by Gringo's
For many years I walked through life single
So my band of Asian brothers would take me out to mingle
My soul it tingles, that's the Indian in me
Either Indian or Indian you'll still find me standing at Wounded Knee
The complexity is simple
My words have embedding themselves deep inside of your temple
My tempo is always the same, Steady
I…I…I… was born ready
This is our time, so divided we should stand
Because united we've fallen
The closer we listen, the louder I hear them calling
They're calling our names
They're still crying
They want US to put out the flames of hatred
But these flames still burn across my body as my soul lies here naked
Take this, this is all you can have
You can touch my body but you can't affect my soul
So I take my fallen sister's, brother's, grandfather's, grandmother's, mother's, and father's voices and dreams with me every where I go….
I have them tattooed across my back
But I can't look back because it wasn't me
Or was it me, my soul is crying now
We come from that seed of thrashing and pain
We come from that seed that was thrown out during the rain and asked to take root
So as others drown around me my roots take shape and my knowledge grows
I was dropped off on top of the highest peak
So instead of yelling I whisper
And that's how I've learned to speak
When placed on higher peaks, mountains, and plateau's
Those in the valley below must understand that it's me and a million other souls
Standing separated but not divided
It's so amazing you should try it
Try to piece together real life and fiction
Independency and sudden addiction
There's the confliction the fork in life
Each time I blink I find myself living a different life
Today I saw the sun for the first time
At least that's what I read on the Sun Dial you see
The problem is you don't see so you keep your mind closed to everything around you
Booo, don't be startled, I'm the one that found you
Now my thoughts they hound you
Surround you, like time chasing the elderly
We're all elderly
Stuck under a spell you see
So how do you spell confused
I don't spell, instead I insert words which come pre-spelled
Like racist, bigots, fundamental zealots, greedy, needy, blind
You know those who can't see me but they feel me
My words are like Braille so if you don't like me, don't mic me
Keep feeling around your darkness you soon will learn to part with
Something greater than yourselves, your insecurities
My pyromaniac tendencies often spark brush fires in the driest of minds
A line was drawn the moment you sat down
You told yourselves either you'd be challenged or you'd be entertained by a clown
It's almost over now the challenge was laughable
I'm neither Bozo or Bono
I'm a 5'7 negro, my mind it soars with eagles, the love of my life is Latino
I try to eat less fast food created by Gringo's
For many years I walked through life single
So my band of Asian brothers would take me out to mingle
My soul it tingles, that's the Indian in me
Either Indian or Indian you'll still find me standing at Wounded Knee
The complexity is simple
My words have embedding themselves deep inside of your temple
My tempo is always the same, Steady
I…I…I… was born ready
This is our time, so divided we should stand
Because united we've fallen
The closer we listen, the louder I hear them calling
They're calling our names
They're still crying
They want US to put out the flames of hatred
But these flames still burn across my body as my soul lies here naked
Take this, this is all you can have
You can touch my body but you can't affect my soul
So I take my fallen sister's, brother's, grandfather's, grandmother's, mother's, and father's voices and dreams with me every where I go….
I have them tattooed across my back
But I can't look back because it wasn't me
Or was it me, my soul is crying now
We come from that seed of thrashing and pain
We come from that seed that was thrown out during the rain and asked to take root
So as others drown around me my roots take shape and my knowledge grows
I was dropped off on top of the highest peak
So instead of yelling I whisper
And that's how I've learned to speak
When placed on higher peaks, mountains, and plateau's
Those in the valley below must understand that it's me and a million other souls
Standing separated but not divided
Let's just face it
In the end I wish to remain faceless
The errors of my ways make me want to get a face lift
So I went out and withdrew a bunch of green with big faces
And now I can no longer taste what I deemed the errors of my ways
Because these greens with big faces erased it
Helped me keep pace with the others in this society with the same faces
The faceless...
Now those with the pretty faces
The ones whose shoe laces and bracelets
Are thrown in as bargins and door prizes after their facelifts
These are the people whom I share my air with
The only problem is my darkness scares them
Ensnares them and they pass their hatred down to their next of kin
Well, I'm tired of being faceless
Scared Shi.less
Who is this
Let me confess
I was with you in the beginning when you thought you were all alone
I just remained faceless
Your status carried you by my presence
So now I present my greatest present
I hope you're hungry because soon you'll taste it
Let's face it, your words left a disconnect between my heart and my brain
The darkness was calling my name so I stood in its warm door
All alone, choosing to remain faceless
We share the same name, it's basic
You just turn your heads so you won't have to face it
In the end I wish to remain faceless
The errors of my ways make me want to get a face lift
So I went out and withdrew a bunch of green with big faces
And now I can no longer taste what I deemed the errors of my ways
Because these greens with big faces erased it
Helped me keep pace with the others in this society with the same faces
The faceless...
Now those with the pretty faces
The ones whose shoe laces and bracelets
Are thrown in as bargins and door prizes after their facelifts
These are the people whom I share my air with
The only problem is my darkness scares them
Ensnares them and they pass their hatred down to their next of kin
Well, I'm tired of being faceless
Scared Shi.less
Who is this
Let me confess
I was with you in the beginning when you thought you were all alone
I just remained faceless
Your status carried you by my presence
So now I present my greatest present
I hope you're hungry because soon you'll taste it
Let's face it, your words left a disconnect between my heart and my brain
The darkness was calling my name so I stood in its warm door
All alone, choosing to remain faceless
We share the same name, it's basic
You just turn your heads so you won't have to face it
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