Have you ever sat down to take it all in
The beauty of the night?
It's a different world once the sun ventures in
This is when the stars begin to dance and sing
When Orion announces that he is the king
And all the constellations bow down before him in perfect unison
There is a light and it leads me to the waters edge
At the waters edge I fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness
I do so in remembrance of the sins I've committed and still have yet to commit
I fall to my face because I wish to do away with my soul
In the stillness of the night this light it guides my soul
At the verge of letting go and taking my final leap at life
I sit and I begin to observe the moonlight
Its tranquil beauty its steady beam of light
How does it suddenly warm my soul in the middle of the night
All the steps which I have taken are now lost in the cover of the night
I find myself lost under the cover of the moonlight
Perhaps another traveler will soon appear
A traveler who too has been fascinated and hypnotized by the moonlight
So I sit and I stare, over the river, I can see another person sitting quietly there
I'm drawn to your beauty but even soon you too will leave me
And then I'll be forced to go and retreat from the glare of the sun
Forced to retreat from the glares of everyone who now see me sitting at the waters edge
But for now I close my eyes and allow you to warm my soul...
so, i suppose i'll come out of hiding :)
this is my blog link. i deleted all the "personal" pieces and left the ones that revolve around commuting. some pieces are mean, esp. if i've written them after the event. i figure i might as well be honest :)
anyways, on to my thoughts about these pieces. (you know i love everything you write, but i will try to tell you what i like, don't like, and why :) hope it helps)
i really like this piece.
the nighttime is always the time that i like to reflect and pray and dream, while being as honest with myself as possible. there is something about the stars and the moon that make everything seem so clear and hopeful when everything around us seems to be falling apart. i do feel closer to God in the quiet stillness of the night, and i feel that this piece really touches that theme.
ultimately, i love your words because they combine so much of the "real" world of relationships and the harsh reality of the sun/daylight, the "ideal" world that allows us to hope and dream, and the underlying faith that gets us through it all.
love it :)
This is beautiful Steve, I had to read it twice.
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